#3.3 A new era for tourism in Palestine

This week, we're joined by Husam Jubran, a Palestinian tour guide and peace worker who has helped to lead a movement toward more meaningful tourism in the region that he calls home. In this episode, you'll learn:

  • How tourism in Palestine has evolved over the past 25 years

  • Husam's favorite places to bring visitors in the West Bank

  • What it takes to become a tour guide in Israel and Palestine

  • Husam's advice for how to have a meaningful travel experience wherever you go

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Links and things

Husam's interview with Rick Steves

Hands of Peace

Mejdi Tours, originator of the dual narrative

Better Travel Podcast interview with Mejdi co-founder Aziz Abu Sarah


#3.4 Can tourism sustain village life in India?


#3.2 Unveiling the invisible